Thursday, December 19, 2013

Reality TV

Phil Robertson got himself in some hot water for a quote in the most recent issue of GQ magazine.  He was critical of several 'sinful' activities, but the one that specifically angered most people was his views on homosexuality.

Suddenly there are facebook campaigns for and against the Duck Dynasty show.

People, don't get so uptight about everything!  Does every actor in every show have to have values that line up exactly with yours?  Do your neighbors'?  Do your friends'?

I don't happen to agree with what Phil said.  In my humble opinion, we cannot judge one sin to be more heinous than another.  That will be up to the Lord.  But I'll probably watch the show again, when I have time.  It's still entertaining, on a very basic level.  And isn't that what reality tv is meant to be?

When did reality tv characters become our moral leaders?  Their main goal is just to shock and amuse.  Don't expect any more than that.  And don't be surprised when they say and do things that are humanly flawed.


  1. HI Marie - I see you have left some comments on my blog and thank you so much for visiting! I am wondering which of these blogs is your primary blog for me to follow. I currently follow Sentimental Regards, but I am not sure if you still keep up with that one. Let me know!

    I have never watched 'Duck Dynasty' so I don't follow what the 'characters' have to say. I find 'Reality' television very unreal. Your question asks a very fundamental question about people and differing opinions and moral leaders. I do think that we should resonate with what we believe, but it is sometimes fun to step into another's shoes occasionally to try out other ideas. This world has so many different beliefs and experiences - it is arrogant to think we have the right to judge or condemn for different views. Everyone learns compassion and love their own way and that is why we are here on Earth. God loves all. Hugs xo Karen

    1. Dear Beatrice Euphemie- Thank you for your comment! Regarding your question about my blogs: I post to Sentimental Regards about the thoughtful, sentimental moments in my life. I post to Authentic Regards when I want to vent. Sometimes the things I say can be taken as rude, offensive, or politically incorrect, depending on your personal opinions. You have been warned ;)
